Are you lazy? If your answer is yes this one is for you. If no you can navigate to other links. Laziness is like a termite which makes us hollow from inside. From procrastinating to ultimately not doing anything, it just is a form of ‘mental sickness’ yes not physical, which if not properly dealt with at the right time may have serious consequences.

Getting up late, just wanting to rest everytime, all this and many more is laziness. The way to get rid of this is to set small realistic targets to do everyday and complete it on time. Like doing ten minutes of exercise each day, waking up on the first alarm and not using the snooze function are some of the examples.

But everything about laziness is not bad, it can be a boom in disguise – the best innovations are done by many lazy souls who often find an efficient way to do things with lesser input aiming at higher outputs. Some companies do prefer these kind of people as they bring efficiency in their system.

All being said laziness is not a virtue and it should be dealt with utmost priority.

Abhinav Kumar Gupta